Play & Learn Drop-In

This drop–in program provides a welcoming environment for ALL families with children from birth to 6 years and siblings up to 12 years of age. Come make new friends and play in a rich, learning environment; enjoying singing, music and stories, and receive parenting support and information. We have programs throughout Richmond.
Please note for the main site drop-ins:
- Regular
drop–in sessions will be cancelled when there is a special event scheduled. - During school holidays you are welcome to bring brothers & sisters up to 12 years old to our Big Buddies Program!
- The stop sign will be placed outside the front door if the program is full.
All Day Play & Learn Drop In (lunch provided):
All day Play & Learn drop-in programs provide a welcoming environment for all families with children birth to 6 years of age. Join us at any time during our program hours for a variety of free play & structured activities. A simple lunch is provided.
Project Connect:
An exciting new program that brings families and seniors together to play, sing, and connect.
Call 604.278.4336 or email
to register.